Brooklyn - Queens Connector (BQX) Feasibility Study Phase II
New York City, NY
NYCEDC in coordination with NYCDOT and the Office of the Mayor, are advancing the evaluation of a new transit corridor to provide north-south connections along the waterfront of Queens and Brooklyn. Known as the Brooklyn – Queens Connector (BQX), the proposed service would tie together important activity generators, job centers, and currently underserved populations.
I supported the Brooklyn-Queens Connector Feasibility Study Phase II which examined the 16-mile corridor stretching from Astoria, Queens to Sunset Park, Brooklyn to identify a feasible and preferred north-south transit connection alignment and mode. The team built on previous investigations to develop the most physically and economically feasible system, that provides measurable community and economic development benefits, increases connectivity between growing populations and emerging job centers, and is acceptable to study stakeholders.
As part of the study, I refined, justified, and vetted potential alignment and mode options, including a street car system, to develop a system that best supports the overall vision and goals for the project. The team was responsible for developing a system of evaluation criteria to understand the benefits, costs, opportunities, and risks associated with mode and alignment alternatives. This process included a series of design charrettes held in coordination with NYCDOT to examine the
potential urban design issues with implementing a streetcar system within New York City’s existing street grid and explored impacts to existing street uses including vehicular right of way, bicycle and pedestrian access, and parking. Participating in these workshops, I identified key issues, constraints, and potential trade-offs along the corridor to help refine alignment options and facilitate discussion surrounding potential design solutions.
WSP continues to advance the project as it moves into the Phase III advanced planning stage. |